John Haverlack

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John Haverlack

Information Security Lead 

Fax: 907-474-5475 (ACEP office)


  • Data Collection and Management
  • Education
  • Cybersecurity
  • IT Service Management
  • Cyberinfrastructure Administration
  • DevOps Programming


In his role as the information security lead for ACEP, John Haverlack works closely with researchers and partners to understand and navigate cyber risk regulations, technical controls and resources.

Haverlack is technology generalist with a degree in physics, experience teaching high school STEM, or science, technology, engineering and mathematics. He has provided a wide range of private and public sector information technology services for nearly 30 years. His most recent focus has been the design, deployment and maintenance of cyberinfrastructure onboard the R/V Sikuliaq. In parallel to his Sikuliaq role, Haverlack has also served as a consultant to the , helping to establish a new cybersecurity program for the fleet.