ACEP Biomass Brown Bag Lunch

ACEP Biomass Brown Bag Lunch

Tuesday, December 17th ǀ Fairbanks DNR Building ǀ 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

December’s discussion focused on the results of the Biomass Research Gap Analysis Survey which was conducted by staff researcher Amanda Byrd over the month of November. Additionally, a representative from Superior Pellet Fuels was on hand to showcase their new pellet logs.

This brown bag lunch series occurs the third Tuesday of every month and is coordinated by Amanda Byrd, 907-474-6728. Anyone not able to be at the meeting in person can always call in by dialing:
1 (800) 893-8850, pin: 8417297


Photo Caption:  Superior Pellet Fuels pellets and an example of what their pellet log will look like.

Photo source