Winter Is Around the Corner

Winter Is Around the Corner

In preparation for the 2019-2020 heating season, ACEP鈥檚 Baxter Bond, Alana Vilagi and Dominique Pride have been updating the pump monitoring apparatuses that are currently deployed in 38 single-family homes across the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

The noninvasive PuMAs use a sensor to collect data on heating oil fuel usage. The meters also collect data on indoor temperature, date and time. The study runs through April 2020. The data collected through the study will be used to build residential thermal load profiles

This research is made possible through funding by the National Science Foundation. For more information please contact Pride at


Baxter Bond measures a study participant's fuel tank. Knowing the dimensions of the fuel tank is necessary when calibrating each PuMA meter. Photo by Dominique Pride.