
Dear UAF community,

Following distribution of UA-wide guidance on state , we requested consideration of a suite of activities needed to maintain and protect a wide range of research assets, including things like heritage plant cultures and physical assets like the Sikuliaq and Toolik Field Station.

The functions that are critical for us to be able to continue offering distance education include support services such as residence life, emergency services, facilities maintenance, food service, and financial aid as well as a few exclusions outlined in . Additional policy guidance issued by President Johnsen today addresses many of the questions employees have regarding protecting basic business and research functions. allows for in-person work for animal care and other limited work to ensure ongoing viability and recovery of laboratory and education support facilities” as well as “minimal basic work to protect business inventory.” I believe this new guidance allows for the protection of the university’s basic research and educational assets.

We are working to develop the letters for each employee providing in-person work. That said, per yesterday’s guidance, employees identified by their supervisor as essential for in-person work should report to work as usual and letters will be forthcoming. It is imperative that we all follow follow state mandates and UA-wide guidance to protect one another and our community. The sooner the pandemic can be curbed, the sooner we will be able to get back in and about our university community. For more information about UA’s response and updated FAQs, please see the .

UAF is made of talented people who are passionate about what they do. Right now we must do everything in our power to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The more we do now, the better off we will be as a university, community and state in the weeks and months ahead.

Thank you for your understanding, and thank you for choosing UAF. Be well.

— Dan White, chancellor