--The query asks the user for the level2 (cabinet), level 3 (unit), level 4 (major category), level 5 (category), or org #. --Enter % in any field to pull everything at that level. The user is also prompted for the cycle (01-12) --or enter % for all cycles. --The results list every direct expenditure transaction that occurred during the cycle provided by --fund/org/acct. Columns include fiscal year, level/title 2, level/title 3, level/title 4, level/title 5, fund, --org, acct/title, prog code, transaction date, cycle, document #, reference # (found in deposits, etc.), --sequence # (can be deleted upon import in to Excel), transaction description, and amount. --To query a different acct code range, change the numbers in red on the 8th line of the actual query --(blue "WITH" is the 1st line). WITH --ATITLE: Matches the acct code range specified below with the account title from FTVACCT_ACCT_CODE table ATITLE AS (SELECT A.FTVACCT_TITLE AS TTL, A.FTVACCT_ACCT_CODE AS ACCT FROM FTVACCT_CURRENT A -- EDIT LINE BELOW TO PULL DIFFERENT ACCT CODE RANGES WHERE A.FTVACCT_ACCT_CODE BETWEEN '2000' AND '8999' ), --ORGN: Matches the org or org level specified by the user and returns levels 2-5 in the results ORGN AS (SELECT DISTINCT O.LEVEL2, O.TITLE2, O.LEVEL3, O.TITLE3, O.LEVEL4, O.TITLE4, O.LEVEL5, O.TITLE5, O.ORGN_CODE AS ORG FROM FTVORGN_LEVELS O WHERE O.LEVEL2 LIKE :LEVEL2 /*Level 2 or % for ALL*/ AND O.LEVEL3 LIKE :LEVEL3 /*Level 3 or % for ALL*/ AND O.LEVEL4 LIKE :LEVEL4 /*Level 4 or % for ALL*/ AND O.LEVEL5 LIKE :LEVEL5 /*Level 5 or % for ALL*/ AND O.ORGN_CODE LIKE :ORG /*Org or % for ALL*/ AND O.DATA_ENTRY_IND = 'Y'), --TRAN: Joins the FGBTRND_15 and FGBTRNH_15 tables and returns YTD data (field code '03') based on the --cycle entered by the user, the specified acct range in ATITLE and the org range entered by the user TRAN AS (SELECT DISTINCT D.FGBTRND_FSYR_CODE AS FY, D.FGBTRND_FUND_CODE AS FUND, D.FGBTRND_ACCT_CODE AS ACCT, D.FGBTRND_DOC_CODE AS DOC, D.FGBTRND_PROG_CODE AS PROG, D.FGBTRND_ACTV_CODE AS ACTV, D.FGBTRND_SUBMISSION_NUMBER AS SUB, D.FGBTRND_ORGN_CODE AS ORG, D.FGBTRND_TRANS_AMT AS AMT, D.FGBTRND_ITEM_NUM AS ITEM, H.FGBTRNH_TRANS_DATE AS TRANS_DATE, H.FGBTRNH_TRANS_DESC AS TRANS_DESC, D.FGBTRND_POSTING_PERIOD AS CY, H.FGBTRNH_DOC_REF_NUM AS REFNUM, D.FGBTRND_SEQ_NUM AS SEQNUM FROM FGBTRND_15 D, ORGN, FGBTRNH_15 H, ATITLE, FTVRUCL_CURRENT RUCL WHERE D.FGBTRND_LEDGER_IND = 'O' AND D.FGBTRND_FIELD_CODE = '03' AND RUCL.FTVRUCL_CLASS_TYPE = 'J' AND H.FGBTRNH_RUCL_CODE = RUCL.FTVRUCL_RUCL_CODE AND D.FGBTRND_ORGN_CODE = ORGN.ORG AND D.FGBTRND_ACCT_CODE = ATITLE.ACCT AND D.FGBTRND_POSTING_PERIOD LIKE :CY /*CYCLE 01-12 OR % for ALL*/ AND D.FGBTRND_DOC_CODE = H.FGBTRNH_DOC_CODE AND D.FGBTRND_SUBMISSION_NUMBER = H.FGBTRNH_SUBMISSION_NUMBER AND D.FGBTRND_ITEM_NUM = H.FGBTRNH_ITEM_NUM AND D.FGBTRND_SEQ_NUM = H.FGBTRNH_SEQ_NUM AND D.FGBTRND_FUND_CODE = H.FGBTRNH_FUND_CODE AND D.FGBTRND_ORGN_CODE = H.FGBTRNH_ORGN_CODE AND D.FGBTRND_ACCT_CODE = H.FGBTRNH_ACCT_CODE AND D.FGBTRND_FSYR_CODE = H.FGBTRNH_FSYR_CODE ) SELECT DISTINCT TRAN.FY, ORGN.LEVEL2, ORGN.TITLE2, ORGN.LEVEL3, ORGN.TITLE3, ORGN.LEVEL4, ORGN.TITLE4, ORGN.LEVEL5, ORGN.TITLE5, TRAN.FUND, TRAN.ORG, TRAN.ACCT, ATITLE.TTL AS ACCT_TITLE, TRAN.PROG, TRAN.ACTV, TRAN.TRANS_DATE, TRAN.CY, TRAN.DOC, TRAN.REFNUM, TRAN.SEQNUM, TRAN.TRANS_DESC, TRAN.AMT FROM TRAN, ATITLE, ORGN WHERE ATITLE.ACCT = TRAN.ACCT AND TRAN.ORG = ORGN.ORG ORDER BY ORG ASC, FUND ASC, ACCT ASC, TRANS_DATE ASC