Phi Sigma Iota (ΦΣΙ) International Foreign Language Honor Society

phi sigma iota logo


Faculty adviser:

Daniel Darrow,

Student president:

Ashland Williams

Phi Sigma Iota is the highest academic honor in the field of foreign languages. The Honor Society recognizes outstanding ability and achievement in the study of, or teaching of, any of the academic fields related to foreign language, literature, or culture. These fields include not only modern foreign languages, but also Classics, Linguistics, Philology, Comparative Literature, Bilingual Education, Second Language Acquisition and other interdisciplinary programs with a significant foreign language component. 

Initiation ceremonies occur every spring semester.  A PSI student club is being launched in Spring 2019.

The mission of Phi Sigma Iota (PSI) is:
     -to recognize outstanding accomplishment in the study or teaching of a foreign language;
     -an appreciation for diverse points of view, derived from the knowledge and use of a foreign language;
     -the encouragement of a lifelong commitment to the study and promotion of foreign languages and cultures; and
     -the pursuit of research in foreign languages and cultures.