Hybrid Work

Issue 45.1


The Blue Version by Joshua Corson

Dead Metaphors by Ockert Greeff

Latitude [An Unmade Picture] by Mathew Weitman

east of domestic by J I Kleinberg

you are a National Park by J I Kleinberg



Issue 44.1


Textual Healing â€“ Jack Bastock

Another Apocalypse Poem, Take 22 & Another Apocalypse Poem, Take 28 â€“ Christien Gholson

He bought us a farmhouse in the country & That Snake â€“ Jenny Bartoy

Perennial Resurrection â€“ Anne McGrath

Philia, Agape â€“ Terese Robison

Five Dances â€“ Fred Shaw

Google Maps Searching My Childhood: The Orange Blossom House â€“ Maggie Wolff

Cutting Edge â€“ Jacqueline Doyle



Issue 43.2




Issue 42.2


Free Throw Evaluation of Mom & Safety Information for a New Marriage â€“ Ashley Memory

Colony Collapse â€“  R.S. Wynn

True Paths â€“ Kathryn Smith

KIDS WITH NO RELIGION â€“ Elana Lev Friedland

The Coyote â€“ Grace Wagner

Prospects for Survival â€“ Kathryn Smith

Firn â€“ Claire McQuerry



Issue 41.2


The Hungers â€“ Sionnain Buckley

Diner Dialogue â€“ Janis Butler Holm, Bett Butler, Joë±ô Dilley



Issue 40.2


“3 Pantone Poems†by L Swartz

“Chants d’Auvergne†by Sophia Starmack

â€Æྱ³¾±ð²Ô²õ¾±´Ç²Ô²õ†and â€œWindow to the Aviary†by Bennett Nieberg  *New Alchemy Contest Finalist*

“Edward Simms, Inventor of the Chair†by Sean W. Murphy  *New Alchemy Contest Finalist*

“Miriam Kutner†by Liz Marlow *New Alchemy Contest Finalist*

“W¾±²Ô³Ù±ð°ù²ú±ð°ù°ù²â†by Lisa DesRochers-Short  *New Alchemy Contest Finalist*



Issue 39.2


Cante Jondo - Paul Dresman

5 poems - Sarah Escue

5 Found Word Collage Poems - J.I. Kleinberg

Mary - Carlene Kucharczyk

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Paloma Negra - Antonio Lopez

Voodoo Deposition - Gleah Powers

Ice, Mirth, Misery 201 and Noonlight - Sarah J. Sloat

Stigmatized Disclosures - Masha Sukovic



Issue 38.2


The Torino Scale - Ashely Adams

Totidem Verbis - Matthew Burnside

Choose Your Own Adventure - Linda Davis

Why I read the National Enquirer - D.G. Geis

Life: The Director’s Cut - D.G. Geis

On reading Yehuda Amichai at Mr. Carwash -  D.G. Geis

The Great American Songbook -  D.G. Geis

Resume - D.G. Geis

What’s Comin’ Atcha -  Dan Gutstein

Raising Houses, Breaking Houses - Brenda Peynado and Micah Dean Hicks

Weather Report - Priscilla Kinter

Body Shape - Zach Linge

Incarnations - CJ Spataro

The Time I Listened to Nothing but Warren Zevon for One Year Straight - Kelly Lynn Thomas

[still] -  José Vadi

Go Nowhereing - Amy Jo Trier-Walker, Winner of the  New Alchemy Contest

The Rainbow Pig - Barrett Warner

Snow If You Melt for Me, I’ll Give You Something - Barrett Warner

The World Is Larger Than My Suffering (But Not Much) - Barrett Warner