ࡱ> PRO%`  bjbjٕ 8$4  X jl n n n n n n $W hb   l l  8  pux l 0 ,!!8 !8 4  XXXdXXX$ MEMORANDUM April 5, 2010 To: Faculty Senate Unit Criteria Committee From: Chris Coffman, Chair, Department of English Unit Criteria Committee Subject: Revised ENGL/PHIL/HUM Criteria Attached: Proposed Revisions to ENGL/PHIL/HUM Unit Criteria, 3/29/10 Thank you for your feedback on our proposed changes to the Unit Criteria for the Department of English and the Department of Philosophy and Humanities. We have attached a revised version, which was approved by English on 3/25/10 and by Phil/Hum on 3/29/10. In the new draft, we have done the following in response to your suggestions: Deleted the proposed change to III.B.2. that you deemed redundant; We view last falls proposed changes to III.C.2.g. as addressing a separate issue than the fact that we value qualitative reviews of research, so we have moved the proposed new language to a new section, III.C.2.q. All text in red is language that appeared in the draft we sent you last fall, though some of it has been moved. We have also added another proposed change to the current draft, shown in purple. This may be found in III.C.2.p. Please let me know if you need any further clarification. Thanks for your work on our criteria.  hT  I    T n R S gd#gd+ & Fgd0g 61hP:p0g/ =!"#$% D@D NormalCJPJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List DOD 0gList Paragraph ^m$ ITnRS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$N$$$$$ ITnRS000000000000 0 000000   8@0(  B S  ?#zn ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o p^p`OJQJo( @ ^@ `OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o P^P`OJQJo(#zn         {s T^<0g+##@@p@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial7K@Cambria?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"h2F2F+&$4d2H$P0g2 MEMORANDUM Chris Coffmanfnjbh Oh+'0U  ( H T ` lx MEMORANDUMChris Coffman Normal.dotfnjbh2Microsoft Office Word@F#@@Pq@PqG`SVT$m )&" WMFC  DD:lUT#m EMFD:eU"   %  Rp@Cambria7K@Cambri@[$\Regisj0LN0(dv%  TXX U@@X L`MEMORANDUMR:RA>>DBARTT XEU@@ LP : TTXAU@@X,LP ; TXBU@@X LhApril 5, 2010>8)77787TTBU@@LP < TTX,U@@XLP ; TlX-U@@XLXTo: ;5TT-U@@LP buTT-U@@LP ,T0-/ U@@&LFaculty Senate Unit Criteria Committee61,7"22181"1A7"8)!1)185SS""11TT0 -j U@@0 LP r; TxXU@@XL\From: 6)5STTU@@LP *TU@@CLChris Coffman, Chair, Department of English Unit Criteria Committee87)+85S18871)B181)"S18"5:81+7@8"8)"1)185SS""11TTRU@@LP : T|XU@@XvL\Subject:2771,"TTU@@vLP To U@@vLRevised ENGL/PHIL/HUM Criteria>12+17:D=619E 61DAR8)"1)1TTp  U@@p vLP |: TXU@@X L`Attached:>""1,717TTU@@LP T@U@@:LProposed Revisions to ENGL/PHIL/HUM Unit Criteria, 3/29/109)585+17>12+58+"5:D=619E 61DARA7"8)"1)17177177TTA|U@@ALP < TTXvU@@XaLP ; T4XwU@@XQLThank you for your feedback on our proposed changes to the Unit Criteria for the ;71842575)357)12771,45857)8)585+17,71811+"5"71A8"8)!1)15)"71 TX`U@@XKALDepartment of English and the Department of Philosophy and HumaniB181)"S18"5:81+7187"71B181)"S18"5975+5872187E7S18Tb`U@@KLlties. We have "1+\17121 TLXb=U@@XULattached a revised version, which was approved by English on 3/25/10 and by Phil/Hum |1""1,7171)12+1721)+58M7,7M1+188)521772:81+758718718718772971E7S TXeKU@@X6 Ldon 3/29/10.587177187TTfKU@@f6LP ; TTXLU@@XLP ; TX65 U@@X MLIn the new draft, we have done the following in response to your suggestions: 8"7181M7)1"M172217581"7155M819)1+858+1"5257)+7211+"58+TT7q5 U@@7 LP ; Rp@Symbol p1dSR<,0@S@i70@̪0̪0۽0@T?d the folloi5Symbolhj0hLN0dv% TT7  U@@ LP.Rp@"ArialOOMG&&&&&&1111<#EEE&&&&00@̪00Y0@̪03& z Arial^0$^ <dj0dLN0|dv% TTA  U@@ LP h% T<  U@@ ALDeleted the proposed change to III.B.2. that you deemed redundantB11"17"718)585+17,71811"5 =78 &fWMFCDD:"71"267711S17)1878718"TT<  U@@ LP;TT<  U@@ LP < % TT * U@@ LP.% TT * U@@ LP h% TX x* U@@ WLWe view last fall s proposed changes to III.C.2.g. as addressing a separate issue than \121M1+"1+8)585+17,71811+"5 ! 8711+177)1++811+181)1"1++71"718 T, ; U@@ MLthe fact that we value qualitative reviews of research, so we have moved the "711,""71"M12171771"1"21)121M+5)1,11),7+5M17121S5227"71 Tx  U@@ 2Lproposed new language to a new section, III.C.2.q.8)585+1781M1817112"5181M+1,"58 877TT   U@@ LP : T8X  U@@Xv 'LAll text in red is language that appear>"10"8)17+1817211"71"18811)T k U@@v 9Led in the draft we sent you last fall, though some of it 178"717)1"M1+18"2571+"2"75717+5S15" TX  U@@X Llhas been moved.71+7118S5217TT Y U@@ LP ; TTX u U@@X` LP ; T\Xv 9 U@@X XLWe have also added another proposed change to the current draft, shown in purple. This \171211+517717195"71)8)585+17,71811"5"71,7))18"7)1"+76M8887)81;7+ TX v_ U@@XJ Lmay be found in III.C.2.p.S127157878 ! 878TTw _ U@@wJ LP : TTXa  U@@X LP ; TX  JU@@X5BLPlease let me know if you need any further clarification. Thanks 911+11"S1485M25781171827)"71)-1),1"58;7184+T JU@@ 5Lxfor your work on our 5)357)M6)45858) TXKU@@X L`criteria.,)"1)1TTKU@@LP :% 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  ."System-@Cambria- 2 dW MEMORANDUM  2 d O 2 uW O2 W April 5, 2010  2  O  2 W O2 WTo: c 2 q O 2  O,D2 &Faculty Senate Unit Criteria Committee   2  O 2 WFrom: :  2  O,p2 CChris Coffman, Chair, Department of English Unit Criteria Committee       2 T O2 WSubject: 2  O&82 Revised ENGL/PHIL/HUM Criteria    2  O 2 W Attached:  2  Ob2 :Proposed Revisions to ENGL/PHIL/HUM Unit Criteria, 3/29/10     2 5 O 2 W O2 WQThank you for your feedback on our proposed changes to the Unit Criteria for the   m2 WADepartment of English and the Department of Philosophy and Humani        "2 ties. We have  2 WUattached a revised version, which was approved by English on 3/25/10 and by Phil/Hum     2 0W on 3/29/10.a  2 0 O 2 AW O2 RWMIn the new draft, we have done the following in response to your suggestions:     2 R3 O @Symbol- 2 clO@"Arial- 2 cs O-m2 cADeleted the proposed change to III.B.2. that you deemed redundant    2 c;O 2 c# O - 2 ulO- 2 us O-2 uWWe view last falls proposed changes to III.C.2.g. as addressing a separate issue than   2 Mthe fact that we value qualitative reviews of research, so we have moved the     V2 2proposed new language to a new section, III.C.2.q.    2  O F2 W'All text in red is language that appear  a2 =9ed in the draft we sent you last fall, though some of it 0   "2 Whas been moved.  2  O 2 W O2 WXWe have also added another proposed change to the current draft, shown in purple. This   22 Wmay be found in III.C.2.p.   2  O  2 W On2 WBPlease let me know if you need any further clarification. Thanks    +2 for your work on our  2 W criteria. 2  O -՜.+,0 hp  tech'  MEMORANDUM Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFHIJKLMNQRoot Entry F`[wxSData  1Table1WordDocument8SummaryInformation(0UDocumentSummaryInformation8GCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q