ࡱ> ;=:'` $bjbj .&  Dj $hvE R  :,_ p^G  0D R__4 DdB dB  Unit Criteria Meeting Oct 7 2009 2-3pm SFOS Conference room ONL 245 Attending: Uta Kaden Julie McIntyre (co-chair) Tim Wilson Mark Herrmann Andy Anger Brenda Konar (chair) Heidi Brocious Comments sent in by Sonja Koukel Visitor: Charles Fedullo (Journalism Department) Old Business: The status of Math and Stats was quickly discussed. We are waiting to hear from Labor Relations. If it is approved by them, then it will go forward to the Faculty Senate. New Business: Unit Criteria of Journalism: A few spelling errors: Pg 3 B Please correct spelling of developing and assistance Pg 5 C .. The first sentence contains a comma following scholars and before Professional journalists This needs clarification. Pg 5. E. Published Student Material should be moved up to Effectiveness in Teaching h. Pg 6 C. 2. h. Should it be magazine websites? Please correct spelling of broadcast. Pg 6. Define bylines and oral history %Journalism will work on our comments and send us a revision. It is hoped that this can be approved via email. We thank Charles Fedullo for attending the meeting and clarifying certain questions. Unit Criteria for Natural Sciences: Pg 2 B. We don t understand the BOLD addition. There are no schools. Should this be department? Does this refer to split appointments? We dont understand this section. Pg 3. The first sentence in the bolded section after Bipartite Faculty needs to be re-written. It is very confusing and we dont understand what you are trying to get across. It was discussed that this paragraph seems out of place. Is this for Bipartite Faculty? We feel that this paragraph needs to be re-written and put elsewhere. Pg 3. Section A. The last sentence of the first paragraph states everyone is strongly encouraged to give a seminar on their research however, not all faculty have a research component to their contract (see, Bipartite Faculty information that follows in the same section). This sentence needs to have a qualifier that states For faculty who have a research component Pg 4. 1. Clarify what kinds of courses need special consideration and what this consideration should be. Pg 5. Assistant Professor: Are you sure that you want to include the benchmark for IAS? This can lead to teaching to a score and is influenced by class numbers, grad versus undergrad, required versus elective courses, etc Also, what is active support, does this mean external funding? What does this include? Pg 8. III. C. 2. Specific criteria for science research performance: Associate Professor, 1st bulleted item. Publications at the typical rate. It needs to be defined as to how this is measured. A new faculty member might not know what typical is. Also, someone from lower campus reviewing this file may have a different idea what typical is. We realize that there are many different units and that each has different ideas of typical but this needs to be addressed. You should consider either doing different criteria for each unit or deleting this standard. Professor, 1st sentence. sufficient number of publications. See above comments. Pg 11. What is science service? For the Assistant, Associate, Professor, be consistent with the arrows as was previously written. It seems like this section was written by someone else. Pg 12.  Measures of Effectiveness of Performance&  paragraph and bullets seems out of place. Does this belong with the Curator description or is this part of Service. %It is recomhs     0 1 ; < A B L M N . = J [ \ ^ e  ļ⯥h({h({OJQJh<0J56h<h<0J56h<56\]h<h<56\]h<OJQJh<h<OJQJh({h<6 h<>* h<0J h<h<h<h<\ h<5\hh<3!DEPZt   N hh^h`hgd< $a$gd<$ . 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It is also recommended that Natural Sciences send a representative to our next meeting to clarify any remaining questions. ,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH :@: Heading 1$@&5\DA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List $L@$ Date4B@4 Body Text5\0o0 < eudoraheaderXo"X <List Paragraph^m$OJPJQJaJ& !DEPZt N.vwI u < _ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 N.vI u < 00<0000000000000000 j00000000 0Ŋ0 00 000000Ԙ000000 0000<$  $ $8@0(  B S  ?PSTY18SW/9[]IN/6 v{r t   A   = C  33333333333333333333hs B E Y _  J M ' ; \'R}!FUlRMh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHohp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHohP^P`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHohp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHohP^P`OJQJo(hH\'!FU                  d2iPds({<@ss`+ss@ @ @H@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial7K@Cambria?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"qh;f;f/w /w !24d2QHX)?<2Unit Criteria Meeting Brenda Konarkonar  Oh+'0   @ L Xdlt|Unit Criteria MeetingBrenda KonarNormalkonar2Microsoft Office Word@Ik@LXG@LXG/w ՜.+,0 hp  NURP' Unit Criteria Meeting Title  !"#$%&'()+,-./013456789<Root Entry F;z^G>Data 1TableWordDocument.&SummaryInformation(*DocumentSummaryInformation82CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q