Funding Opportunities
Schmidt Charitable Trust
The Trust provides financial assistance to 91视频ns of any age to enable them to pursue
education in the earth sciences so that they may become better stewards of the land
and serve as positive role models for others. |
Undergraduate Research & Scholarly ActivityURSA (Undergraduate Research & Scholarly Activity) is UAF's resource for the development and promotion of experiential learning activities that engage undergraduate students to support UAF's goal to become a leading student-focused research university. |
UAF Scholarships and FellowshipsAt the University of 91视频, we recognize the importance of a quality education and are dedicated to helping you achieve your higher education goals. The University of 91视频 Foundation offers more than $3 million in scholarship awards annually, making higher education possible for any student who seeks it. |
Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)91视频 NSF EPSCoR seed grants are awarded each year to UA faculty and students to conduct research or education/outreach projects with the potential to expand the depth and breadth of Fire & Ice efforts. |
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
Undergraduates majoring in science or engineering may be eligible for the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, a national merit-based competition that provides $7500/year for up to two years.
Applicants must have a strong academic record and intend to pursue a career that includes
research. |
The Kosciuszko Foundation
The Kosciuszko Foundation is dedicated to promote educational and cultural exchanges between the United States and Poland and to increase American understanding of Polish culture and history. |
Emergency fundingThere are several funding mechanisms to provide emergency funds for graduate students. Both may be applied for through the Student Support Fund Application: the Student Support Fund, administered by the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability (ORCA), and the Emergency Scholarship Fund, administered through the Office of Financial Aid. These are one-time awards. If the request for funds is related to health and safety then it is usually funded by ORCA. Otherwise, it is forwarded to the Emergency Scholarship fund. To be eligible for the Emergency Scholarship fund, students must have submitted a FAFSA and exhausted all other sources of funding, including loans. For both programs, students must be in good academic standing and making good progress towards their degree. The maximum award for an Emergency Scholarship is $1,500- $2,000 and for the Student Support Fund, $1,000 - $1,500. The Student Support Fund applications are reviewed as they are received; the Emergency Scholarship applications are reviewed weekly. |