Resources for Administrators

This page is for administrators and their assistants. Below are resources that can be used during training and for the MOU/MOA process.

MOU/MOA Checklist

If you are creating the agreement, use the checklist to ensure you cover all the key elements. If you are receiving an agreement from an outside entity, the checklist can be used to identify potential issues prior to signing.

MOA Checklist (PDF)

MOU Checklist (PDF)

Types of MOUs and MOAs

This is a list of common agreements and understandings the University engages in. Check here if you are unsure of what type of agreement you need. This is also a great place to start as it gives you an idea of which departments to involve during the process.

List of Types of Agreements (PDF)

Routing Map for MOUs and MOAs

This routing map will be key in determining where in the process your MOU or MOA is. Before starting an agreement, always check with the appropriate Vice Chancellor's office to ensure there is not already a prior agreement in place.

Flow Chart of MOU/MOA Process (PDF)

Examples and Templates

These examples and templates provide an excellent resource to get you started. The templates contain language that is approved by Statewide General Counsel and use of the templates can save you time during legal review. Examples will be posted in Fall 2015 after this policy has been implemented for a number of months.

Academic units: .

Instructions for OnBase

For instructions on how to search OnBase (PDF).

For instructions on how to search and upload documents to OnBase (PDF). Only Vice Chancellor level administrative assistants have access to upload fully executed documents to OnBase.

Timelines for Uploading to OnBase

Agreements should be scanned and uploaded to OnBase immediately after the fully executed document is received. The Assistant to the Chancellor will conduct monthly checks to ensure that all documents are in the database. Additionally, the database will be reviewed and validated at the end of each fiscal year.