Friday Focus: A springtime of renewal

Owen Guthrie smiling in a tan suit
UAF photo by JR Ancheta
Owen Guthrie

Feb. 18, 2022

— Owen Guthrie, vice chancellor of student affairs and enrollment management

Last Friday, Provost Prakash declared that spring has sprung. I could not agree more. The sunlight streaming through our windows is such a wonderful affirmation that the rebirth of spring is coming. Meanwhile, the brief but great season of sunshine and snow sports is upon us. We are just about four weeks from the March equinox and for me, that marks the beginning of the sleigh ride to the end of the semester and on into glorious summer. It is coming, indeed! 

I will go a step further. This spring is looking to be a springtime of renewal like we haven’t seen for several years. 

There are significant signs that our economic challenges of the past three years may be softening. Discussions are happening from Juneau to Washington around reinvestment in our institution and about new initiatives supporting our programs of tomorrow. There are many opportunities on the horizon, from COVID-related relief funding to investment in unmanned aerial systems, from critical minerals to improving internet bandwidth at our rural campuses. The message is clear that higher education is valued both locally and nationally, and that UAF has an important role to play for our students and for the future of our state. I am an optimist, but I am more optimistic than I have been for some years. 

Similarly, there are significant signs that the pandemic is loosening its grip. The CDC is preparing for the next phase of the pandemic and is expected to . have been in steady decline, and closer to home, our are also trending lower. We are not yet at the end, but perhaps we can see it from here? Discussions are happening around how and when and by what metrics we might step down our COVID response. This is a good feeling. The long season of everything COVID may be headed for the history books and I so look forward to a new chapter. 

Certainly, the future has not looked brighter in a long time. We have much to be thankful for and much to look forward to. And yet, March is the month many 91ÊÓƵns find most challenging. There are many reasons this can be a difficult time, but we know these days can be when many struggle most. Take a moment to reach out to those in your circles, and to those at the edges of your circles. Extend a hand, check in, and make connections. 

It is an especially good time to let students know that no matter what they are facing, they are not alone. The campus CARE team is behind them and there's a whole team to help. If you are concerned for one of your students, please make use of the !

I hear from Cody Rodgers, director of the Center for Student Engagement, that we are offering important suicide prevention training. aims to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing practical, and proven suicide prevention training. There are a number of QPR trainers in the Center for Student Engagement and you can request training for your department.

The Student Health and Counseling Center offers so many services and outreach efforts: if you or someone you know needs help, reach out to them. They have a consultation hour Monday through Friday  from 1-2 p.m.. Students, parents, faculty, and staff are welcome to call and speak to a counselor with any concerns they may have for themselves or someone else. They offer an integrated screening program from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and counseling appointments at SHCC can be made by calling 907-474-7043 or visiting their website and completing an appointment request form. Lastly, the UAF Community Mental Health Clinic offers free counseling services to every 91ÊÓƵn 18 years of age and older. Call 907-474-1999 to schedule an appointment.  

Springtime is a great time to get out of winter’s ruts, take stock and clean up loose ends. Maybe change up your routine and try something new? Connect with a friend and , try a , attend on Feb. 25, or play their final games of the season! As it warms up, the outdoor ice rink will be prime for evening skating; skate rentals are available at the Patty Center and are free for students. The much-loved Banff Mountain Film Festival has returned to campus at 6 p.m. this Sunday in the Davis Concert Hall. Tickets are available at the Wood Center. There are so many good opportunities to do something or all-the-things fun with a friend or colleague! 

Take care of yourself, reach out and connect to those around you. Spring is upon us and summer is coming; the future is full of promise!  

Friday Focus is a column written by a different member of UAF's leadership team every week.