Long-Term Uninterruptible Power Supply
Highly reliable UPS system to support hundred watts of power consumption with remote monutoring capacity. Built in integrated power distribution unit using a modular design to support customization and scalability as needed.
High Pressure Flow Cell for Spectral Analysis
Rigid, durable and optically straight flow cell that support improved operatational reliability at reduced costs that includes a heavy-walled, internally reflective glass capillary for concentrating and amplifying spectra, such as Raman spectra.
Interlocking Small-Volume Cryovial Design
Device that doubles the amount of storage space for genomic samples archived at the UA Museum of the North for secure, easy storage in—and removal from—standard freezer boxes.
Signal Correction for Environmental Distortion
Software algorithm and systems that correct environmental wavefront distortion such as time-varying phase and amplitude fluctuations across radar apertures using adaptive correction factors.
Apparatus for The Electrolytic Production of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Alkalinized Seawater
Apparatus for The Electrolytic Production of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Alkalinized Seawater: new electrolytic ion exchange module that has the ability to produce, separate, and store the generated oxygen and hydrogen gases.
Streamflow Hydrology Estimate Using Machine Learning - SHEM
Streamflow Hydrology Estimate Using Machine Learning (SHEM): this builds estimated datasets on the present and historical streamflow data alone through a machine learning process.
High-Temperature Borehole Fluid Sampler
Multi-Temperature Fluid Sampler (MTFS): a non-gas-tight, syringe-style fluid sampler that employs a mechanical trigger that utilizes the thermal-response properties of a shape memory alloy.
Nutrient Extraction Toolkit (NET) & Quantification and Projection of Nutrient Removal
The nutrient extraction toolkit (NET): This provides all the necessary tools for kelp sampling at a mariculture farm and meets cross-agency sampling standards. An illustrated protocol makes sampling and shipping to the laboratory easy to understand and accomplish.
Pathogen Detection Through Genetic Sequence Enrichment
Technology that can greatly enrich pathogenic sequences in human clinical samples. It does not require prior knowledge of the pathogen or assumption of the infection, and therefore, provides a fast and sequence-independent approach to identify human pathogens.
The Vertical Comet A Novel Electrophoresis Assay
This runs an electric field through the two-dimensional plane of the matrix layer pulling damaged DNA into a fluid buffer. The damaged cell portions can be quantified, analyzed, or processed to provide an objective quantitative value and/or to determine a gene sequence of the cells.