UAF Student Drama Association (SDA)
The Student Drama Association (SDA) is a University-sponsored club open to all students interested in theatre, regardless of their major. We create and sponsor student-produced theatrical events throughout the academic year with the support of the Department of Theatre and Film.
Everything! Here are some of the projects and events we produce.
Winter Shorts-Short student-designed and directed plays
Famous for Fifteen-Presentation of new short plays by students and community members in reader’s theatre format
Play Readings-Rehearsed readings of plays with various levels of technical support
Famous for Fourteen Forty-A play in a day project. Plays are written, cast, directed and performed in 24 hours (1440 minutes).
Black box in the Borogoves-Low tech, student directed plays in a black box format
Sonnet-o-Grams-A fundraiser near Valentine’s Day. Hire an actor to dedicate and deliver a sonnet to your friends or loved ones.
Improv Nights-Open to all. Come learn about improv games from UAF students and join in the fun
Monkey Ball-A themed dance party at the end of the academic year
Movie Nights-Watch theatre based movies with snacks and good company
Or whatever YOU want!
SDA is constantly looking for new ideas and we want to help you with your theatrical project.
Bring your INFORMAL PROPOSAL to a meeting or email it to faculty advisor
- Please include the following details:
- What is it? What do you want to do and how do you want to do it?
- Where is it? SDA has access to certain spaces at certain times, but they are not necessarily free or available. Do you want to do this project in the theatre? In a found space? At a specific event?
- When is it? When do you see this happening? Is there a specific date or a general time of year? How long will it take to bring this project together?
- How many people do you need? Consider cast, crew, organizers, publicity, etc.
- How much will it cost? We don’t need a line by line budget, just an approximation considering all of the above factors.
- Include your name and contact information. Phone and email.

SDA Winter Shorts Production Photo Samples
The Student Drama Association is dedicated to the support and promotion of theatre UAF productions as well as providing additional performance opportunities for UAF students from all disciplines. The group provides both moral and limited financial support for performance projects of members (after review and acceptance of project proposals by the general membership). Membership is open to all UAF students upon payment of dues. The association also receives financial support from the ASUAF. Other activities include occasional “Open Stages”, “Alternate works”, etc. Still defining their role at UAF, they ask that you get involved and help find/create their place in the world.
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