Program Code Compliance

UA System Office Cost Analysis reviews selected labor and non-labor expenditures and encumbrances for facilities and administrative cost (F&A) compliance purposes. The quarterly reviews identify potential areas of compliance risk with respect to consistent charging practices as they relate to direct and F&A type costs.

Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), 2 CFR Part 220 (OMB Circular A-21) and campus specific Disclosure Statements (DS-2) provide guidance on consistent charging at the university.

Use the provided report to proactively identify and correct mismatches before they show up on the System Office compliance review. This report is updated bi-weekly on Monday following the payroll run.

Helpful Resources

The  provide additional guidance on the proper use of program codes. The Program Code Structure & Crosswalk (PDF) identifies all program codes that are considered pool costs (indirect) and how the fund type changes the allowable accounts.

For example, an SS (Student Services) program code is treated as a pool cost for expenditures on unrestricted and designated funds. This means 3444, 4010, etc. account codes are appropriate with this comination. An expense on an SS org with a match or restricted fund is considered an OSA (Other Sponsored Activity). In this case, 3448, 4015, etc. account codes are now appropriate.


The Program Code Compliance Report has been moved to a restricted Google Drive. You must be on the UA Domain to access these reports.

Link to the drive is below.

Once you are in the Google Drive, right-click on the report name and click "Download" to download it to your computer.