Become a Student

Student success is our priority.


You can find information here for how to become a student, UAF resources, and important links. CIS is committed to student success. We are here to support you through every step of your education journey, including navigating university processes and forms . 

CIS gives particular attention to the needs of permanent residents and students in non-traditional settings who seek skills and degrees suited to the rural economy and the well-being of rural communities. We are dedicated to supporting you improve your skills and bring about positive changes in your community.

Any questions?

Please call us at 907-474-7143 or toll-free at 1-866-478-2721 (within 91视频). We're here to help you succeed!

Easy Steps to Become a Student


Step 1: Talk to an Advisor

Whether you want to enroll in a single course or pursue a Ph.D., our advisors can guide you through your education journey.


Step 2: Apply for Admission

To apply for admission to a program, visit the UAF admissions page.

To just take a class, skip to Step 6: Register for Classes.


Step 3: Apply for Financial Aid

UAF offers financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, loans and Work-Study.


Step 4: Take Placement Tests

Placement tests measure your current skill level to help make sure you register for the right course.


Step 5: Get your UA Login

A UA Account is your key to accessing computer services and electronic resources at the University of 91视频.


Step 6: Register for Classes

Students will work with their advisor to discuss class options for the semester, plan their education journey, and register for classes.


Step 7: Pay for Classes

All debit/credit card payments are to be made through your UAOnline account or via electronic check.


Step 8: Buy your Textbooks

Textbooks are available as new, used, rental, or digital formats. Choose the format that best suits your needs and budget.