SBO ProCards

Our office reconciles, approves, and manages all ProCard transactions for the units we serve. Our goal is to streamline the ProCard process and make it easy for cardholders to submit receipts so they can focus on purchasing what they need. 

Need to apply for a new ProCard? Follow the instructions outlined on the page.

As soon as a purchase is made with the ProCard , please submit the following information using the (bookmark this link!):

  • Vendor name
  • Total transaction amount
  • Fund and org - provide split funding details by selecting "yes" 
  • Business reason for the purchase - this is not what you purchased, it is why you purchased it and how it will benefit your program.
  • Grant justification, if applicable - how this purchase fits in to the scope of the project.
  • Legible and itemized receipt
  • OIT approval for ALL software purchases (see )
  • Approved ProCard waiver for unauthorized items (see )
  • Approved Representational Allowance form, if applicable