Representational Allowance Expenses

The University requires specific reporting on entertainment-type purchases. Purchases that fall in to this category include:

  • Meals (in-restaurant, take-out, catering, groceries)
  • Recreation
  • Gifts of any denomination
  • Decorations or refreshments
  • Amusement

The Representational (Rep) Allowance form documents the business justification for these types of expenses. Any purchase made with a procard (or any form of procurement) must have a signed Rep Allowance form on file with the receipt or invoice.


  1. Identify the appropriate Acct code by reviewing the Entertainment-Type Expense Account Codes section of the OFA website or reach out to SBO for assistance.
  2. Identify your Fiscal or Designated Signature Authority depending on the type of purchase. 
  3. Choose between one of the following forms: 
    1. (Docusign PowerForm)
    2. (Docusign PowerForm)
    3. Rep Allowance form - must be submitted via Docusign to the appropriate Signature Authority
  4. Be descriptive on the form. Complete all of the following items:
    • Vendor name - may include multiple vendors if form covers an event meriting various purchases
    • Date(s), name, and location of the event
    • Unit/Dept/School/Program and Form Preparer Name/Phone #
    • Reference Number is "N/A"
    • Fund/Org/Acct - the Acct will vary depending on the type of expense (reach out to OFA staff for assistance or reference the OFA page)
    • Business reason - must detail how this event and purchase benefits the University and funding source
    • List of attendees - names of those who were present at the event and benefitted from this purchase
    • Agenda or separate document describing the nature of the discussion and why activity is necessary

It is important to fully document why University funds were necessary to be spent in this manner. Certain funding sources specifically do not allow some or all entertainment-type expenses so we need to ensure that the correct funding is used at the time of purchase. In the event of an audit, this form is required and must document the business need of these expenses to avoid a finding.